December 2017

Shinzo Abe has decided to respond the nuclear tests by North Korea.

Asia has become an area of flaws in recent years and the crisis seems ready to blow. Reportedly, the continent is at the top in spending more and more in weapons. The region by 2020 will account for more than 30% of all of the world’s military spending. The region also holds a key geopolitical importance. China, India, Russia, Japan are the nations that are rich economically, politically and technically. These states are the influential states in world politics. Likewise, there are certain disagreements among the nations in this region. Perhaps, the nations are looking at any reason to start a fight. For example, we can code North Korea here. Additionally, there are many political, economical, territorial conflicts. In fact, the list just goes longer and longer.
Japanese Prime Minister thinks to rearm the country
Especially, Japan is the sleeping giant of Asia. The economic and technical hub is now days considering rising up the standards of its military. Japanese tensions with North Korea are rising high and owing to the latest missile tests by Kim Jong-un, Japan is seriously in dialogue at home and abroad to stand up before any possible threat in the future
Japan is spending heavily on its military

Japanese Prime minister Shinzo Abe earlier in August called up the meeting of United Nations Security Council. Japan is clearly needs to have a strong debate at home regarding the threats.

The ordeals for Japan

Japan is one of the world’s biggest economies but despite that this country has a very prudent role in world politics and decisions. Perhaps, for last couple of decades Japan is quiet over world affairs. Al though, this may be changing for two reasons: China and North Korea.


China is growing into a super power. The Chinese emergence as an economic power and technical hub and perhaps as a global leader has grown into as a hindrance to Japanese influence in the region. Additionally, both of the economic engines are into a dispute over Senkaku Islands in East China Sea. Fishing industry is key source of revenue generation in this Sea. The authorities have discovered the deposits of oil and gas over there. Additionally, this Island is strategic area for Sea trade.
The disputed islands are in between the powers
All this in mind, both of the powers have expanded their military budget in recent years. In case, we can easily understand the Japanese worries over Chinese leverage.

North Korea

Kim Jong-un in last few years has built a strong weaponry and technological military. Correspondingly, North Korea is working on nuclear capability. Reportedly, it has managed to create an atomic bomb of 30 kilotons. Furthermore, the ICBM, tested by North Korea has the ability to detonate not only up to South Korea but also to Japan.
North Korea is a potential threat to its eastern neighbors
North Korea in March 2017 launched three missiles towards Japan. Of course, they reached Japanese territorial waters. The missiles were less than 200 miles to reach the Japanese coast.
For the reason of that, this has created an atmosphere of chaos in Japan. Shinzo Abe has ordered to start expulsion drills in case to respond any possible attack.

What Shinzo Abe is thinking?

Tokyo has decided to teach children the techniques of survival. The Government is working to realize that what will be the reaction time if North Korea launches the missile.
Japan also is acquiring many nuclear shelters to purify the air in result of radiation and poison gas. Additionally, North Korea has the ability to launch gas missile.
In short, Japan perceives both China and North Korea as a threat to itself.  But what has happened to a peaceful Japanese nation?

Japanese: a peaceful nation

Japan in its constitution admits no use of force except for its defense. Earlier the country’s protection was at the US. But, later officials think about a new potential force to support US in operational areas.
US General shakes hand with Japanese army official

As a result, the birth of Japanese defense force happened. The only and peculiar purpose of this army is defense. The US still holds about 40000 soldiers and also some of its largest military bases in Japan.

Author’s take

Japan as a modern and peaceful nation will not try to have nuclear weapons as it was the only country who was being hit by this sort of arsenal.  Therefore, Japan may have a high loathing towards nukes. Additionally, Japan’s strategic location will not support the mission to have nuclear weapons. Al though, it can build ICBM and low and short range Ballistic missiles.
Japan may not see China as a potential threat China because of its nuclear “no first use” policy. Thereupon, it has no interest to bother Japan in building the arsenal.

The only possible threat would be North Korea. For fear that, Japan with the help of its ally United States and its neighbor China may halt Kim Jong-un to come over negotiation table. 

Trump wants Pyongyang on the negotiating table.

The US and its allies are still continuously threatening the North Korea over the issue of Nuclear Weapons.  Deep down the terms they want Kim Jong-un to come upon an agreement that would end up the process of nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Trump has clearly said that there would be no approval to the nuclear tests by the North Koreans. Indeed, Trump and his predecessors have always maintained the statement of a nonnuclear North Korea. But why does North Korea wants Nuclear weapons?
Leader of North Korea addressing
The Korean War of 1950 was never officially ended and for the years up to 1953 both sides have continued displaying attitude of war. North Korea has since pursued nuclear weapons for defensive reasons and there is a chance that it may reunite Korea under Kim’s regime. In fact, North Korea has decided to reunite the Korean Peninsula under a single dynasty by weapon tests. This strategic aim in mind makes more sense of North Korean nuclear developments.

But why North Korea is building intercontinental ballistic missiles?

Al though, North Korea is building intercontinental ballistic missiles but, to attack South Korea these sorts of weapons would not be necessary.  Of course, Seoul: the capital of South Korea is just 35 miles from the 38th parallel line. In fact, North Korea has already had the ability to detonate nuclear devices towards its neighbors via short and medium term missiles for years. ICBM as I’ve analyzed would provide deterrence in any event of reunification.
North Korean missile range


Kim Jong-un thinks that intercontinental ballistic missile will halt the United States from interfering. As can be seen, more people are getting convinced at the argument of reunification rather than attacking on the US or any other country. Moreover, North Korea will accept its survival over anything any day a week. Thereupon, a peaceful conclusion is onerous to achieve.
ICBM test of North Korea

How North Korean think?

North Korean people believe that they need the nuclear weapon in case to achieve greater security over a situation of security dilemma. Together with, this permission will allow North Korea to extort resources from the world. Eventually, North Korea will remain as a center of attention.
Children copying the haircut of North Korean leader
For example, North Korean people are delighted over their recent nuclear tests. They think that in this way they are feeling safer. In the words of a North Korean national “Now we have everything we need, we can hit our enemies in their homes or in their bases. It makes me feel very strong.”
In fact, ordinary North Koreans are backing their ruler. They believe in him, sing and shout for him. Surely, they will all stand up for him in any peculiar situation.

North Korean Economy

North Korea for years used to get aid from the US and Japan. The countries have given the aid for food supplies and fertilizers. China: a key and long-term ally of North Korea, on the other hand has been buying coal over the years from Kim’s country. Equally, China is supporting the economy of North Korea to move on.
China is the biggest coal importer from North Korea
In fact, if North Korea did not get that aid in terms of food supplies, its people would have been died as a result of starvation.

Does Kim Jong-un want superiority over South Korea?

Another primal reason is that Kim Jong-un wants the nuclear weapon to maintain an edge over Seoul. In fact, nuclear weapons capability is the only thing that discriminate North Korea from South Korea. Thus, they have got to keep those weapons and will not give up on their weapons. 
But, we can not underestimate the military strength of Seoul as well. Not to forget, they are in a treaty with the US and US troops are stationed inside the territory of South Korea. About 30000 US soldiers in South Korea are staying permanently. This is a situation of confusion for younger South Koreans. Of course, they younger South Koreans want reunification but on their terms and they should be expected fight hard to protect their homeland in case of any reunification attempt by North Korea.
US and South Korean military personnel are sharing survival game

Author’s Take

The US is also moving through a tough situation. If they allow a nuclear armed North Korea then its relations with South Korea and Japan will turn into decisive and bitter. Additionally, it will undermine the treaty of non-proliferation. The US must try to resolve the crisis on the table.
Generally speaking, North Korea wants to build weapons for the reason that Pakistan and India got the nuclear weapons and got away with it. If North Korea gets the nuclear weapons then South Korea and Japan will also try to be nuclear states and then who would stop Iran by doing such measures and the trials will not stop.
On the whole, China’s role will be a crucial one in between the US and North Korea. China as a largest trading partner of the United States and a long term ally of North Korea may play its part to convince both the parties on negotiations and even over final signatures. China should exert its influence over North Korea to put it on the table.

India has the 7th biggest economy in the world.

India: a place of vast cultures, traditions, norms, languages, heritage, variety of foods and stunning spots. All around this mighty acreage we witness the beautiful segments of nature and cultures. India is lined as the second most populous country among the ten nations who spend most budgets on their troops. Specially, India is among some certain countries that are nuclear powers.
But, in political aspects, India is quite intruder. Lack of quality leadership was the biggest problem this mighty country faced. India is regarded as the biggest democracy in the world which is dealing with feeble economic growth, uncertain political pressures and incapable leadership over the time. The thing changed perilously when Narendra Modi became the prime minister with the motto to rebuild the country with stable economic growth and to make reforms in government structure.
Narendra Modi PM of India

Of course, there are some problems in political, social and micro economic sector which could affect the process of progress. Likewise, to eradicate the corruption in the Government sectors this easily is harder as other matters for the reason that it is one of the biggest hurdles in country’s prosperity. Comparatively, the gap between rich and poor and the infrastructure backwardness could seize the economic appetites.
Here in this content we are going to discuss the matters that either Indian progress is smooth to achieve or will it still need some certain measures? Additionally what Narendra Modi has planned to achieve in coming years?

Economic initiatives

Modi’s plan is to make India a free market and for now this plan seems to be working. Despite, India’s economic growth is lower than its neighboring country China still it holds on the limit of 6.4% this year. India is enjoying an economy of 1.9 trillion US dollars. According to the IMF, India has already outpaced Japan to grow into the third biggest economy of the world.  Additionally, in terms of purchasing price parity, India’s economy is going towards the right direction.
GDP growth of India has been satisfactory in couple of last years
Particularly, the falling prices of oil have reduced the risk of inflation. Therefore, country will be able to cut its pricey fuel subsidies. Eventually, it would decline the budget deficit.
According to the reports, a 10 dollar decrease in oil prices globally could increase the GDP by 0.1% and lower the inflation by 0.5%.
Additionally, Foreign Direct Investment has also increased. Explicitly, Japan alone has landed in India about 33 billion US dollars from public and private sectors at a very low interest rate. Accordingly, it will stabilize the business environment.

Improvement of National Infrastructure

Narendra Modi wants to improve India’s national infrastructure. The steps regarding the aim include an expected increase in infrastructure. Modi has targeted to achieve the economic growth by 7% annually by spending 800 billion US dollars. Additionally, he enables banks to buy infrastructure bonds to motivate the trading activities in debt markets. Significantly, China has invested 20 billion US dollars in infrastructure sector of India.
Japan's foreign direct investment in India

Transport mobility, stable water supply, access to electricity and expansion towards the usage of technology could enable India to make its way towards the global leader.
India has got a huge amount of Human capital as well. This human capital makes India’s population an asset of it. According to the reports 65% of Indian population consists of people less than 35 years of age. Eventually, it will give the country an edge in coming decades. Modi’s Government has taken the steps in improved education, training of rural workers, skilled jobs and providing the bank accounts to all Indians. Additionally, India is modernizing its nation by encouraging the wider use of computers and the internet. These are the sectors in which fast jobs boom is coming in few years. Important to note here is Mr. Sundar Pichai: the CEO of Google is from India.
Sundar Pichai: CEO of Google is an Indian born intellectual

Geographical advantage

The most outstanding fact that could make India positioned itself as the superpower is its demography. Since the elections of 2014, Modi has enhanced the ties with Russia, Japan, Middle East and The US economically, politically and socially. India is a massive economic market for each of them and could prove a valuable trading partner. Additionally, the strategic importance of alliance of India with all these nations is a fact.
Modi During his visit to America in June 2017
Russia needs the companionship of India to boost its economy and to further tackle US in the region. The US would also like to bolster the trade growth with India which was 95 billion US dollars last year and also to balance the power of China in the region. Modi has played his cards very deliberately that will be beneficial for India both financially and politically.

Author’s take

Narendra Modi has set a way that will lead India towards the dreams yet there is a lot of work to do on it. All in all, advantages of the deals and political affiliations are quite valuable. By the time, this country may play the leading part in economic and geopolitical terms globally.

To sum up, India must also join hands with China and Pakistan to establish a triangle of economic growth in shape of CPEC project. Indian products will reach throughout the targeted spots in short times. Additionally, the trading partnership will urge the nations to decrease the tensions among themselves created by some extremists. Particularly, this will be a beneficial step for the region and for the 3.128 billion people of China and South Asia.

 China is donating funds to the politicians of leading allies of the US

Australian domestic intelligence agency, the ASIO, in its annual report mentioned that foreign powers are continuously trying to extend their influence in Australian society. In words of the report “It is posing a threat to the sovereignty, honor of institutions, and exercise of the citizen’s rights.”
Xi Jinping and Malcolm Turnbull

According to the reports Chinese government has won the influence educationally, politically and systematically. Specifically, agencies believe, some businessmen have strong ties with Chinese officials and desire a view of Chinese theories at Kangaroo’s soil. Additionally, China has given huge amount in shape of funding to two main political organs in Australia. Earlier, officials have given the warnings to the suspects. Despite these warning, the figures are still getting millions of dollars from the donors. Surprisingly, China has given about 80% of the donation to Australian political figures in between the years 2000 to 2016.

Beijing is also reported to set up an institution for culture and language studies. All these stories are approaching when reportedly Xi Jinping is trying to interact with the world. Xi is trying to shift a strategic balance across the globe. Important to note here is that Chinese government refuses to all these claims of interference by funding. 

In case of New Zealand

There are also some concerns regarding Chinese interference in Kiwis internal affairs and politics. The University of Canterbury has reported that manners in which China has gained influence over there. China provides the donations and the ethical support towards particular leadership.
John Key and Xi Jinping in a pleasant mood

The Financial Times reported that a leading member of house from the National party had a military background in China, which he failed to reveal when he migrated to New Zealand. Additionally, he holds key relations with the Communist party back there in China.

Why China does this?

China has numerous reasons for launching cultural campaign and growing political meddling in Australia and New Zealand. These two nations hold the designation as ambassadress of free trade and open market. China needs the ground of these two landmarks for its future proceedings.
Australian trade successes with China

What are the reasons behind Chinese agenda?

Selling the Chinese model of everything

China is the world’s biggest economy with rapid growth in it every year. Comparatively, China needs to gain influence in international markets and in the world. Xi Jinping is keen to move China at the top of world politics. He has promised to make his country a role model for other countries. Xi’s Government has organized a desk for this particular task.

Xi Jinping has also wants to have an eye on the entire Chinese students’ community studying abroad at different Universities. In addition to this, the Chinese Government has boosted the resources for influencing different communities including journalists, cultural symbols and ethnic Chinese associations set up abroad. For example, in 2012, China set up an institution naming The Chinese Public Diplomacy Association, whose work was to carry journalists and sentiments leader to China for training.

China has also worked on the up gradation of state-media especially, when the media infrastructure in the entire globe is backing off due to financial hurdles. Chinese Government is working to boost up the media up gradation process by donating approximately 5.6 billion dollars.

Regional security and insecurities

Australia is located at the key position. China’s South China Sea dispute with other nations may make him rely completely on Australia. Instead, Australia is a close ally to US, who is the biggest hurdle in China’s way to stand tall a global leader.
South China Sea and neighboring powers 

China’s political influence may work as providing the strategic and monetary developments. China can use its yielding influence in Australia and New Zealand to put pressure on both of the nations to stay neutral at key regional issues including Sea complications. So far, both of the countries remained neutral on peculiar situations. Despite the fact, China’s media influence may turn the opinions of more people in favor of China. Furthermore, it would make United States to retreat from the claims over the Sea.

Author’s take

China is the biggest trade partner of Australia. In 2008, New Zealand grew into as the first nation to sign a free trade deal with China. In result, China became the largest goods trading partner of New Zealand. The economies of both Australia and New Zealand countries rely massively on China to grow. Of course, China also needs to interact with the nations having the slogans of free trade, open market and open immigration rules. This will lead China towards the cultural influence as well.
New Zealand's growing trade index with China

Australia since the reports arrived is working strictly to chasing the culprits. The revision of laws over foreign findings is done and most probably the country will put a ban over all sorts of foreign funding to the politicians. This will make Chinese officials a bit exasperated. If this mistrust between both of the nations continuous to grow, we would see a backfire of Chinese influence and may be a backfire in the Australian economy.

Yemen is right now facing one of the World's most serious issues...

The Middle East has never been a simple place. There is a huge turbulence in the region owing to the political standing of all of the nations in that particular area. The aftershocks are so big that they are being felt worldwide; even the West is not free from their pressure.

It is not the form of unease that is concentrated to a single country. It is a matter of terrorism, civil wars, invasions, liberations, political instability, sectarian tensions and all kinds of evils that are making the Global administration and leadership tumult.

There are many notable names that constitute this part of the World, and unfortunately, all of them are right now facing one crisis or another. Although this is a situation of total catastrophe, there are still few that are now standing out from the face – facing intractable challenges as they continue to struggle.

One of the Poorest Arab Nations

Yemen is one of the Arab’s poorest countries. This land is right now devastated by a war between the internationally-recognized government and the rebellion movement.

There is a toll of death above 8,000 people and around 50,000 are struggling for hopes of life in the hospitals since March 2015. Around 60% of these casualties are caused by the Saudi-led multinational coalition airstrikes that are actually backing the government.

Around 20 million people are in need of the humanitarian assistance and Yemen is right now facing the World’s most powerful food emergency in addition to the security issues.

No one can see a potential end to this war right now, as both of the nations continuously pull into a constant tug of war, with neither of the sides claiming victory. However, there are tensions arising in the alliance of the Yemen Government, that some say would signify a potential end to this war.

Conflict: The Start to End

The Yemeni conflict is one of the most catastrophic situations in the entire Globe right now. It still continues to plague many households with an end that is yet to come.

The Start of War

The tensions started to emerge in 2011 when the political administration of Yemen could not undergo a smooth transition. The power was in the hands of the President Ali Abdullah Saleh, to hand power to Hadi, the new president of Yemen, who was deputy of the president.

There was a variety of things that Mr. Hadi could not supply to his nation. He could not ensure reduce in terrorism (Al Qaeda of Arab Peninsula, AQAP), stop some separatist movements on the South and could not abandon the military loyalty to President Saleh. Other issues such as corruption, unemployment and food shortage were also taking place.

Awakening of the Rebel Elements

Having a note of the weakness and lack of political foresight of the new president, the Houthi rebels took advantage and took control of the heartland of Sadaa province. Now, a Shia-backed liberation campaign had been started against the new government.

To make things even worse, most of the Yemeni locals, including the Sunnis supported Houthis. So, with all power and might, Houthis entered the capital Sanaa in September of 2014. The reinforcement of rebels in the Sanaa carried out until January 2015, when they surrounded the Presidential Palace, forcing Hadi to flee.

Fall of Sanaa

The result of this event resulted in the advantage of the Houthi rebels and the Saleh-loyal military, which had started planning to take over the entire country.

The Operation Decisive Storm plan, which refers to the Yemen government restoration.

Alarmed by a potential disaster at their border, backed by a regional Shia power Iran, Saudi Arab along with her allies jumped into action and started carrying campaigns to restore the struggling government. The coalition received western support as they carried their attacks.

The Aftermath

The Three-Way War

The issues being faced since then include a three-way war, with AQAP, the government and allies, and the rebellion movement fighting for the control of the Yemen’s Land. The government and allies landed on the beachhead of Aden, making a temporary camp over there. The war emerged from all sides to the Aden since then.

Yemen's strategic map.       Picture Credits: Al-Jazeera

Stoppage of Supplies

Last month, a ballistic missile was launched towards Riyadh, leading coalition to tighten the grip against smuggling of weapons and arming of militia.

Yemen's latest blockade scenario. Picture Credits: Al-Jazeera

However, this blockade is also stopping necessary supplies, and UN highlights that this act could trigger “the largest famine the World has ever seen!”

There were countless efforts from the UN to ensure peace in the region but unfortunately, all went in vain. The war still continues to this day, threatening all of the Middle Eastern nations and their potential stakeholders.

Threat to the Globe

To the World, such a catastrophe would mean a great deal of issue. As the Yemeni soil is also rich with hydro-carbons like its Arab siblings, this could become a ground for waging potential war with resources that are huge in quantity.

Moreover, the terrorist organization of AQAP is considered the most dangerous due to its technical reach and global scaling. In addition to that, AQAP is also seen with the elements of IS, who themselves are a considerate terrorist power. Together, they can yield a very serious concern for any nation in the World.

Shortage of Supplies

There is a food security issue in Yemen, with the warnings of an imminent famine. Only an approximated amount of 45% health facilities are fully functioning in the nation and the death toll is massive, and diseases like Cholera infecting more than 900,000 people. 

Also, around 2 million Yemenis are displaced internally and around 200,000 have fled to the neighboring nations.


Also read:

Rwanda enjoys the GDP growth of eight percent over the last five years.

Rwanda is one of the poorest places and was the biggest aristocracies in the Sub-Saharan Africa in the history of mankind. In 1994, Rwandan government killed dozens of people in protest. That was the time of starvation, famine and undrinkable water in the country. The genocide continued till late 1994. Every one out of five Rwandans was brutally assassinated according to the reports. The country rose after the genocide and found it difficult to pace up the different sector of economy.
The mind of Rwanda Paul Kagame

After the resignation of Bizimungu in March 2000, current president Paul Kagame, who later has become the greatest Rwandan leader ever emerged. Subsequently, he won the election in 2003 and made his position more secure.
Areas with vast killing rate in Rwanda till 1994

The experts predicted that this was the decision of Rwandan people towards more failure and economic collapse. Instead, for the reason of Kagame’s omnipresent appearance, he led to this small country in the middle of the continent towards a role model of economic growth and sustainability for African countries.
Rwanda found in Sub-Saharan Africa

Surprisingly, Rwanda is lacking out of natural resources and mining opportunities. Still, its economy is growing at a record rate of eight percent over the past couple of years and this is where Kagame’s hope for prosperity is working. But, how did he do that? Let us find the methods what Rwanda is applying, which will also be beneficial for other African countries to implement on.
GDP per Capita of Rwanda

All citizens are Rwandans

Government set up a constitution that forbids using any word showing ethnic superiority. In past, Hutis and Tutsis used to fight for a longer period of time under Belgian colonialism. After 1962, when Belgium left the country into the hands of locals, the dispute even emerged more strongly. Ethnic groups were killing the people brutally on the basis of breed, till the arrival of Kagame.

Even the media, politicians even a common man cannot glint the words of ethnic violence. On a slighter note, this repression made them not even to criticize the government.

Advisory council

Kagame set up a team to visit new emerging countries at that time like China, Singapore and Taiwan. The team arranged meetings with politicians, economists and other officials. Consequently, Rwanda got the tips on different topic.
Rwandan President with members of Advisory council

Later, the council assisted the president to build a formula to remove economic hurdles in the country. New Rwandan constitution was set up and council identified the targets to make Rwanda a modern county with the need of time. However, the main focus was on to grow Rwanda a middle income country in just two decades.

Vision 2020

Rwanda’s authorities made vision 2020 to achieve the best out of possible. The vision 2020 had forty four clear and culpable objectives. For instance, it focused on an efficient state; skilled human capital with high quality of education and health facilities, Kagame’s administration promised a world class physical infrastructure.
Vision 2020 so far analysis and observations

Additionally, government laid the emphasis on Modern agriculture and livestock. Especially, governments and private firms are analyzing the progress and results of described targets. The results about the vision are quite encouraging.

Gender Equality

According to Rwandan constitution, at least fifty percent of all government posts are to be held with women. In fact, the Rwandan parliament enjoys the highest contribution of female politicians than the entire world. Females are leading the country in every sector either in business or services.
Women parliamentarians with President Kagame

Agricultural incentives

Rwanda’s eight percent of population works in the fields. As a result, governments subsidize them with low tax collection. However, the structure of tax collection is highly formulated.
Rwandan fields are producing their best out of extreme facilities provided

Additionally, government very wisely spends the amount of tax collected. Government has build power generator and roads to increase the agricultural output and to make this sector efficient. Therefore, farmers are selling their crops to neighboring countries. As a result Rwanda’s exports are boosting up.

Technological steps

Rwanda under Kagame’s presidency relies heavily over technological steps. The country recently has made a deal with South Korea over 4G internet network. Thereupon, Ninety five percent of Rwandan population will have access to high speed connectivity to the entire globe in a year or two. Rwanda has the potential to become the IT hub of Africa.


Paul Kagame’s own democracy is working since years. He is been the elected president of Rwandan people. Over ninety five percent of population votes for him.

Sustainable economic growth, political and infrastructure system is the main focus of the government. In my words, Rwanda has done great in terms of all these sectors. It has had the impressive growth in terms of exports and GDP rate. However, the President needs to put his focus on couple of more challenges. These include problems with large trade deficit, low added value of manufacturing sector and dependency on external aid. Additionally, there lies an employment problem in the country. Rwanda has got a large size of population with limited employment opportunities. But, as things are moving towards right direction we can hope this will be the main focus of Paul Kagame in coming times. Limiting these drawbacks will be crucial in short and long terms in order to achieve sustained economic transition.

Putin is securing his politics and place inside Russia but what about outside?

Russia, the land of immeasurable area has never been conquered by anyone in the history of earth. In 1917, the Russian revolution happened. Likewise, the revolutionists replaced the old rule of tsars with a distinct ideology in their minds: Marxism.  Since, it is the only country who ever used to stand before United States in terms of economy, military, politics or most importantly ideology. That was the time of utmost dispute between both of the powers. Correspondingly, both of the countries wanted to expand their ideologies to different parts of the planet. Then came the year of 1991 when consequently, Soviet Union collapsed into various new countries with their peculiar targets. In any event, Russia of 1991 has changed into a Russia of 2017: A country having the president of intellectuality and brilliance combined. How Mr. Putin has become the strongest man in Russia is the story, I am going to explain, the rebirth of a new tsar regime.
Russian new tsar Vladimir Putin

Political oppression

The political system is similar to the older Russia with more centralized power. The system was covering two main approaches. Similarly, the methods Russia considers are hype and oppression.
 For example, Russian authorities jailed an opposition leader “Alexai Navlany” along with more than thousand protesters protesting. 
Alexai Navlany arrested by officials

Additionally, Russian KGB now known as the Federal Security Service has also rescued Putin’s authority by influencing all around the country. By and large, all power to Mr. Putin. 

Authority over media

One of the main things Putin did was to take control over the media and television to force them to telecast none other than in favor of the ruling party and loyal apotheosis.

 After all, there is none other than the reason but to let people hear that Russia is amazing. Through this propaganda Putin will hold his power into the country more easily by letting people think that they are in a prosperous country.

Powerful oligarchy

Powerful aristocracy used to rule Russia smoothly until the Bolshevik revolution. Old feudal system was the key to that sort of rulings.
Likewise, Putin is trying to build an aristocracy similar with the type of older ones with granting his closer companions with illustrious designations. In essence, this step made them very affluent. So the formula to become rich is simple, be friend of Vladimir Putin. One of them is “Sergey Roldugin”, reportedly who received about 2 billion dollars in government funds. Similarly, are “Igor Sechin”, Putin’s chief of staff or “Sergey Chemozov”, an older friend of President Putin from KGB.
Childhood friend of Putin Sergey Roldugin

According to the Forbes, above mentioned personalities are ranked among the top billionaires inside the Russian territory and in world. Some of Putin’s friends are the executives in some of the highly profitable state owned associations including Gazprom, Rostec, Rosneft, Mayak and Sevmash. Surprisingly, all of these children of Putin’s friends are administering and taking control of all of these countries.  Forthwith, we can say that Russian economy is in children’s hands.

Putin’s plan behind these pivotal entries

Definitely, there is a plan behind that is why Putin considers covering a special seat with his friend or a reliable person on chair. Ultimately, Putin wants to take control over all the natural and key resources of the country. Similarly, this will secure his position at home politically and make him a robust leader.

Rebirth of the Russian Federation which we used to hear

Military capabilities

Vladimir Putin is investing heavily in its mainstream army in fact, heavier than China and United States. Collectively, Russia is spending 15 % of its budget on its army.
Projected military spending of Russia till 2019

Indeed, comparatively, Putin has changed the things now days. Putin has eliminated corrupt officials and rotten arsenal from the army. Hundreds of billions were spent in recent years to turn Russian army into a present-day army with modern technology and infrastructure. Russian military has updated its every sort of weapons including planes, missiles, tanks and ships.


If army is Putin’s tenacity then the economy is its frailty. In fact, Russian economy is weaker than that of United States or China even India. The main problem with Russia is that in so many years they have not yet been able to develop an economy to produce anything.
GDP growth of Russia

In fact, Russian economy does not seem to show eyes to US or China’s economy. They are just more dependent on their natural resource any day of year. The point not to forget is that sons of Putin friends are running the handsome share of Russian economy.

Political power abroad

Russian involvement in Middle East is indication of its political sound steps where United States is already being involved. Russian neighbors are in touch with Putin through CIS. Additionally, Mr. Putin is making a stance on world issues like globalization and climate change.


By and large, Putin is the mind Russia will need for couple of more years till they are strong militarily, economically and politically. But, in terms of economy I don’t think Russia will be a competitor to United States or China in near future. There is no chance of Russia to develop a strong economy in short time.

Russian is exporting just Oil and Gas. Their whole economy is dependent on these two resources. However, this country is unable to diversify or transform its economy on other things. In fact, their dependency on these resources is growing day by day.

Another important thing is that the huge amount of Russian youth is leaving the country. This brain drain is also a key analysis towards economic backwardness.

In words of Barack Obama “Russia is no threat to US. They are a weaker country with even weaker economy that cannot produce anything. They do not innovate”.
To sum up, at home Putin is very strong politically or ideologically and he is building a tsar regime over there but at the international level Russian economy still cannot sustain the pressure of stronger economies.

Middle East Is Out of American Hands

Banner depicting USA as friends of Zion Museum

57 Muslim states of OIC gathered in an extra-ordinary OIC summit to fire arrows on the latest American-Israeli policies. In a rebuke at Donald Trump, the 57 members of the OIC agreed to move in an emergency summit in Istanbul. There Turkish President, Recip Tayyip Erdogan spoke against the policies of USA and Israel.
As a result of the summit, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation members concluded that the role of USA as a mediator between Israel-Palestine conflicts was now over. All of the OIC conference members agreed, in the final communiqué that movement of the US embassy to Jerusalem was infact "US administration’s withdrawal from its role as sponsor of peace”.

In addition to the defaming of Israel and America, the OIC members recognized the East-Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.  

Organization of Islamic Cooperation Also Saw Tensions

As the streets are tensed with protests, the similar was the case of the summit.
Trump is facing a major backlash from the Muslim nations owing to its pro-Israel policies.

Amongst the nations united in the name of Islam, there were cracks visible between the Middle Eastern Nations. Some of the allies of the US were presumably adopting a muted approach in this matter. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt did not send their prime ranks to the conference, signifying the lack of interest in this matter.

This, however, was not taken lightly by the Turkish foreign minister. Mr. Mevlut Cavusoglu was seen criticizing the Arab states for not paying enough heed to the remarks of Donald Trump’s decision. He said,
“Some Arab countries have shown very weak responses. It seems some countries are very timid of the United States.”

Tayyip Erdogan: The Global Islamic Leader

In this event of mixed emotions, Recip Tayyip Erdogan established himself as the greatest leader of the Muslim states. He did his best to put the issue of the Jerusalem ahead of the Islamic Rulers. Moreover, he defamed Trump’s pro-Israeli policies to a huge extent.
Erdogan delivering a speech in front of the summit.

Erdogan claimed Trump to have a “Zionist Mentality” and exclaimed that US has “no question” of continuing its role as a mediator of piece in the Middle East. He called Israel a “Terrorist state” which was responsible to “Kill [Palestinian] Children”.
Erdogan has distinguished himself as the best Islamic prime in this time

In accordance with the comments of Tayyip Erdogan, Mehmoud Abbas, the Palestinian President said,
"The United States has chosen to lose its qualification as a mediator… We will no longer accept that it has a role in the political process from now."


This extra-ordinary summit of OIC was filled with high emotions. There was a strong backlash against Trump for moving the embassy to Jerusalem. However, this is an established fact that the mediator’s role is to strive for the upbringing of peace, and unfortunately, Donald Trump has not been able to provide that role in the region.

The establishment of East-Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine is another big step of this conference. The city of Jerusalem is important to Muslims, Jews and even Christians. So, proclaiming Jerusalem as a state of Israel enables the access of Jewish and Christian states completely, yet becomes a hurdle for the Muslims that do not accept Israel’s sovereignty. This kind of issue can yield a potential catastrophe if US and its allies try to take any potential step against this move.

There is a massive thought that this hype and rage of the Middle Eastern nations will die down eventually, and Muslims will have to rely on USA mediation once more for the peace in the region. On the other hand, despite Tayyip Erdogan presented strong remarks, he did not talk about closing the diplomacy with Israel. Erdogan is a leader with a good insight. Hence, the diplomacy of Turkey is still in place to rule USA out as a potential mediator.

We have seen in the past that Turkey has been an active part in highlighting the issues of Palestine. Therefore, there are high expectations from Erdogan to take a good step in bringing back peace in the region, which according to some has become impossible. However, owing to the policies of the Islamic summit as a whole, every country seems to follow its own course of action. 

Ashraf Ghani has his eyes over multiple advantageous prospects

Afghanistan, the land of mighty hills, bucolic things and wanted terrorists is the place where no one of us ever wants to visit. Indeed, not for couple of years ahead. This country is known for long civil wars, clerical powerhouse and a well placed demography. Historically, it played its very best of part for Kushans, Ghaznavis, Saffarids, Ghoris, Mughals and Durranis to help form their empires.
Afghan president Ashraf Ghani

Afghanistan has always been a poor country for a very long time. Additionally, it also is a landlocked country which has no access to waters. Important to realize that in today’s world access to Sea waters is necessary for a country’s economic growth.  But, in this topic, we are going to give you some certain points on which this small state in south Asia is working. Eventually, on these notes, Afghanistan may survive out of misery.

Transport Network

Afghanistan relies heavily on the ports of Karachi and Cha Bihar to import or export anything for the reason that these ports are the nearer ones. Additionally, the ports as well as territories of these two countries are used for trade purposes. But, as it is clear that any country may stop Afghanistan using its territory may cost Afghanistan a big problem. For example, when US drone attacked at Salala, Pakistan decided block the supply route for couple of months.
The government has prioritized some regional rail investments. This will help country’s good to move towards Central Asian states from Pakistan. Additionally, Afghanistan will provide gateways to Arabian Peninsula and central Asian states toward Cha Bihar ports once it was completed.
Ring road map connecting entire country

 In case, it is building a Ring Road project around Kabul, which will boost up their economy by more exports and imports. Forthwith, there relations with foreign countries may improve.

Making the infrastructure better

Infrastructure is the key element is any country’s success. In case of Afghanistan, in recent years connectivity of transport was poor, international barriers to regional markets were there, policies were also not good enough. If we talk about today, security issues and technical backwardness are primal factors responsible for country’s economic idiocy.
The Government of Ashraf Ghani is planning to invest in fields which will open up the ways for Afghanistan in domestic, regional and international markets and in social services. Rail linkages will be priority. Regional connectivity will create opportunities in every field for aspired Afghanis.

A centre of energy movement

Afghanistan lies in between Central Asia (Energy rich nations) and South Asia (Energy poor nations). Henceforth, it is acting to be a corridor for both of the regions. There are some projects that are currently under work.
One of them is TAP transmission line, which will move energy of 2000 MW form Turkmenistan to Pakistan via Afghanistan. The TAPI gas pipeline is the project between Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Thirdly, the CASA 1000 transmission lines will move about 1000 MW of energy from different countries via Afghanistan.
Pathway of Gas Pipeline

Explicitly, it will take huge investments and some of these countries may still need more energy in near future. Thereupon, Afghanistan is the only way from where pipelines and transmission line will pass through.

Easy access and transfer of data

Currently, half of the world’s internet traffic is in Asia and Europe. The speed of transferring the data is approximately 15 TB per second. Internet delivery use a maritime fiber that runs beneath the Mediterranean, the Suez canal and, the Red Sea , then passes Arabian peninsula and Sub-continent to finally opens up to the Asian states. This path has seen assorted problem.
·         There are extreme chances of cable damages and then problems with repair.
·         This long pathway, takes 130 Millisecond for data reach the destination.
Afghanistan will be installing the fiber optics that will connect the areas of different regions. Additionally, it will make the data transfer easily accessible and brisk. By and large, Afghanistan will be the most adequate pathway to supply a more reliable data communication services between the two of the busiest continents, Asia and Europe. Eventually, this will reduce the data transfer time by over 30 Millisecond.


To sum up, Ashraf Ghani is playing very accurately to let his country be the hub of economic activities that will be held between regions and continents. Smooth and speedy shift of goods, services and data transfer will all hail to the Afghan’s contributions. Al though, this buffer zone may not have the access to the Oceans but conversely, it definitely can get considerable dividends out of its demography.

Frequently, we do not often use to hear that in future China will need Afghanistan. China’s one belt, one road project will require tough soil of Afghanistan to connect with Middle East and Europe.