Shinzo Abe has decided to respond the nuclear tests by North Korea.
Asia has become an area of flaws in recent years and the crisis seems ready to blow. Reportedly, the continent is at the top in spending more and more in weapons. The region by 2020 will account for more than 30% of all of the world’s military spending. The region also holds a key geopolitical importance. China, India, Russia, Japan are the nations that are rich economically, politically and technically. These states are the influential states in world politics. Likewise, there are certain disagreements among the nations in this region. Perhaps, the nations are looking at any reason to start a fight. For example, we can code North Korea here. Additionally, there are many political, economical, territorial conflicts. In fact, the list just goes longer and longer.
Especially, Japan is the sleeping giant of Asia. The
economic and technical hub is now days considering rising up the standards of
its military. Japanese tensions with North Korea are rising high and owing to
the latest missile tests by Kim Jong-un, Japan is seriously in dialogue at home
and abroad to stand up before any possible threat in the future
Japan is spending heavily on its military |
Japanese Prime minister Shinzo Abe earlier in August called
up the meeting of United Nations Security Council. Japan is clearly needs to
have a strong debate at home regarding the threats.
The ordeals for Japan
Japan is one of the world’s biggest economies but despite
that this country has a very prudent role in world politics and decisions.
Perhaps, for last couple of decades Japan is quiet over world affairs. Al
though, this may be changing for two reasons: China and North Korea.
China is growing into a super power. The Chinese emergence
as an economic power and technical hub and perhaps as a global leader has grown
into as a hindrance to Japanese influence in the region. Additionally, both of
the economic engines are into a dispute over Senkaku Islands in East China Sea.
Fishing industry is key source of revenue generation in this Sea. The
authorities have discovered the deposits of oil and gas over there.
Additionally, this Island is strategic area for Sea trade.
All this in mind, both of the powers have expanded their
military budget in recent years. In case, we can easily understand the Japanese
worries over Chinese leverage.
North Korea
Kim Jong-un in last few years has built a strong weaponry and technological military. Correspondingly, North Korea is working on nuclear capability. Reportedly, it has managed to create an atomic bomb of 30 kilotons. Furthermore, the ICBM, tested by North Korea has the ability to detonate not only up to South Korea but also to Japan.
North Korea in March 2017 launched three missiles towards
Japan. Of course, they reached Japanese territorial waters. The missiles were
less than 200 miles to reach the Japanese coast.
For the reason of that, this has created an atmosphere of
chaos in Japan. Shinzo Abe has ordered to start expulsion drills in case to
respond any possible attack.
What Shinzo Abe is thinking?
Tokyo has decided to teach children the techniques of
survival. The Government is working to realize that what will be the reaction
time if North Korea launches the missile.
Japan also is acquiring many nuclear shelters to purify the
air in result of radiation and poison gas. Additionally, North Korea has the
ability to launch gas missile.
In short, Japan perceives both China and North Korea as a
threat to itself. But what has happened
to a peaceful Japanese nation?
Japanese: a peaceful nation
Japan in its constitution admits no use of force except for
its defense. Earlier the country’s protection was at the US. But, later
officials think about a new potential force to support US in operational areas.
US General shakes hand with Japanese army official |
As a result, the birth of Japanese defense force happened. The only and peculiar purpose of this army is defense. The US still holds about 40000 soldiers and also some of its largest military bases in Japan.
Author’s take
Japan as a modern and peaceful nation will not try to have nuclear weapons as it was the only country who was being hit by this sort of arsenal. Therefore, Japan may have a high loathing towards nukes. Additionally, Japan’s strategic location will not support the mission to have nuclear weapons. Al though, it can build ICBM and low and short range Ballistic missiles.
Japan may not see China as a potential threat China because of its nuclear “no first use” policy. Thereupon, it has no interest to bother Japan in building the arsenal.
The only possible threat would be North Korea. For fear
that, Japan with the help of its ally United States and its neighbor China may
halt Kim Jong-un to come over negotiation table.
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