Putin is securing his politics and place inside Russia but what about outside?

Russia, the land of immeasurable area has never been conquered by anyone in the history of earth. In 1917, the Russian revolution happened. Likewise, the revolutionists replaced the old rule of tsars with a distinct ideology in their minds: Marxism.  Since, it is the only country who ever used to stand before United States in terms of economy, military, politics or most importantly ideology. That was the time of utmost dispute between both of the powers. Correspondingly, both of the countries wanted to expand their ideologies to different parts of the planet. Then came the year of 1991 when consequently, Soviet Union collapsed into various new countries with their peculiar targets. In any event, Russia of 1991 has changed into a Russia of 2017: A country having the president of intellectuality and brilliance combined. How Mr. Putin has become the strongest man in Russia is the story, I am going to explain, the rebirth of a new tsar regime.
Russian new tsar Vladimir Putin

Political oppression

The political system is similar to the older Russia with more centralized power. The system was covering two main approaches. Similarly, the methods Russia considers are hype and oppression.
 For example, Russian authorities jailed an opposition leader “Alexai Navlany” along with more than thousand protesters protesting. 
Alexai Navlany arrested by officials

Additionally, Russian KGB now known as the Federal Security Service has also rescued Putin’s authority by influencing all around the country. By and large, all power to Mr. Putin. 

Authority over media

One of the main things Putin did was to take control over the media and television to force them to telecast none other than in favor of the ruling party and loyal apotheosis.

 After all, there is none other than the reason but to let people hear that Russia is amazing. Through this propaganda Putin will hold his power into the country more easily by letting people think that they are in a prosperous country.

Powerful oligarchy

Powerful aristocracy used to rule Russia smoothly until the Bolshevik revolution. Old feudal system was the key to that sort of rulings.
Likewise, Putin is trying to build an aristocracy similar with the type of older ones with granting his closer companions with illustrious designations. In essence, this step made them very affluent. So the formula to become rich is simple, be friend of Vladimir Putin. One of them is “Sergey Roldugin”, reportedly who received about 2 billion dollars in government funds. Similarly, are “Igor Sechin”, Putin’s chief of staff or “Sergey Chemozov”, an older friend of President Putin from KGB.
Childhood friend of Putin Sergey Roldugin

According to the Forbes, above mentioned personalities are ranked among the top billionaires inside the Russian territory and in world. Some of Putin’s friends are the executives in some of the highly profitable state owned associations including Gazprom, Rostec, Rosneft, Mayak and Sevmash. Surprisingly, all of these children of Putin’s friends are administering and taking control of all of these countries.  Forthwith, we can say that Russian economy is in children’s hands.

Putin’s plan behind these pivotal entries

Definitely, there is a plan behind that is why Putin considers covering a special seat with his friend or a reliable person on chair. Ultimately, Putin wants to take control over all the natural and key resources of the country. Similarly, this will secure his position at home politically and make him a robust leader.

Rebirth of the Russian Federation which we used to hear

Military capabilities

Vladimir Putin is investing heavily in its mainstream army in fact, heavier than China and United States. Collectively, Russia is spending 15 % of its budget on its army.
Projected military spending of Russia till 2019

Indeed, comparatively, Putin has changed the things now days. Putin has eliminated corrupt officials and rotten arsenal from the army. Hundreds of billions were spent in recent years to turn Russian army into a present-day army with modern technology and infrastructure. Russian military has updated its every sort of weapons including planes, missiles, tanks and ships.


If army is Putin’s tenacity then the economy is its frailty. In fact, Russian economy is weaker than that of United States or China even India. The main problem with Russia is that in so many years they have not yet been able to develop an economy to produce anything.
GDP growth of Russia

In fact, Russian economy does not seem to show eyes to US or China’s economy. They are just more dependent on their natural resource any day of year. The point not to forget is that sons of Putin friends are running the handsome share of Russian economy.

Political power abroad

Russian involvement in Middle East is indication of its political sound steps where United States is already being involved. Russian neighbors are in touch with Putin through CIS. Additionally, Mr. Putin is making a stance on world issues like globalization and climate change.


By and large, Putin is the mind Russia will need for couple of more years till they are strong militarily, economically and politically. But, in terms of economy I don’t think Russia will be a competitor to United States or China in near future. There is no chance of Russia to develop a strong economy in short time.

Russian is exporting just Oil and Gas. Their whole economy is dependent on these two resources. However, this country is unable to diversify or transform its economy on other things. In fact, their dependency on these resources is growing day by day.

Another important thing is that the huge amount of Russian youth is leaving the country. This brain drain is also a key analysis towards economic backwardness.

In words of Barack Obama “Russia is no threat to US. They are a weaker country with even weaker economy that cannot produce anything. They do not innovate”.
To sum up, at home Putin is very strong politically or ideologically and he is building a tsar regime over there but at the international level Russian economy still cannot sustain the pressure of stronger economies.

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